Communication Models – David Berlo SMCR Model

Communication Models

David Berlo SMCR Model

David Berlo SMCR Model attempts to explain the various components required for effective communication. According to David Berlo SMCR Model the three major components required for effective communication are Sender, Message and Receiver.

The model explains various characteristics/factors related to the sender, message and receiver which influences communication and have to be kept in mind to effectively communicate a message.

The model lists many factors that are related to the sender which influence communication, some of which are:

  • Knowledge about what is being communicated
  • Sender Attitude that influences communication
  • Communication Skills to communicate the right message to the receiver
  • Social Systems on which the Sender’s communication is based
  • Culture from which the sender hails

David Berlo SMCR Model insists that a message must have the following to make the communication a meaningful one, they are:

  • Content that is relevant and rich in nature
  • Code or form representing the manner in which the message is communicated
  • Communication elements like signs and body language involved in the message
  • Structure of the communication
  • Treatment of the subject being communicated

The model also places emphasis on the channel through which the communication is carried out. Channel here means the five senses in humans namely hearing, seeing, touching, smelling and tasting.

It is empirical that the receiver understands and perceives the message in the manner and perspective it was intended by the sender. David Berlo SMCR Model insists that the following are mandatory requisites for the receiver, without which, the information communicated will not be received in the proper manner. They are:

  • Communication skills with respect to comprehension or understanding what is communicated in the relevant perspective
  • Attitude to perceive the message with the right spirit
  • Knowledge to understand what is being communicated
  • Supporting environment, Social Systems and background of the receiver
  • Comprehension and acceptance of the message must not be influenced by the culture of the receiver 

Also Read: Communication Models – Shannon & Weaver, Westley & Mac lean

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